My shelter dogs have grown up!

I can’t believe that I haven’t posted here while my pooches were growing up. Sonny turned a year old on Feb and Sugar turned one on April 3rd. They have both filled out, especially Sugar. She was so skinny and now she has that Basset broad butt! LOL Sonny can no longer sling her around, unless he’s sliding her on the floor! Now THAT’s funny to watch.

What’s really funny is that two shelter dogs, brought home at two different times…..are such good friends. They are a perfect match for each other.  We are so fortunate to have them both.

Sonny shreds any toy that comes into the house and Sugar likes to eat the pieces. We try to keep the pieces picked up, but the yard is littered with lots of blue and red thread! Sugar likes to get caught stealing shirts off the bedroom chair or socks out of the closet. She looks at you, drops it and takes off! It’s hilarious.

We finally have found a dry dog food that works well with both of them. We have been adding 100% canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix!) to their food and they gobble it up like it’s candy. Helps with their digestion, but benefits them if they have diarrhea AND constipation. It really is a great product to add to their food. Since they are both around 50 pounds, they get a small spoonful with their morning and evening feedings. They really do love it! Their poop is perfect……if poop can be perfect! PLW_4277

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